OKPG Raising Funds to Provide Scholarships to
Nigerian School Children.
August 2, 2017
OKPG has announced its inaugural project to provide scholarships to primary and secondary school students in Issele-Uku, Nigeria. These scholarships will help to pay for school supplies. Recipients of this renewable, one-year scholarship are eligible to receive additional funding should they demonstrate a strong academic record and satisfy other program requirements.
OKPG's partner on this project is the Rev. S.W. Martin Scholarship Fund, a Nigerian based non-profit, who will administer the scholarship program. OKPG looks forward to realizing Rev. Martin's dream of bringing the world to Issele-Uku and providing Issele-Uku's youth with a strong educational foundation for life.
Help us build up the young minds that will lead Issele-Uku into the future. Please consider making a donation to OKPG today!
Visit our website at www.okpg.org to learn more and to make a donation. Donations may also be made through PayPal at PayPal.Me/okpg .
The Okwumabua Progressive Group Inc. (OKPG) is a U.S.-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to progressively advance the people of African ancestry by supporting or implementing security, educational and developmental initiatives. Launched in 2017, OKPG endeavors to make a lasting impact in Africa and the African Diaspora, with an initial focus on improving the quality of life for residents of Issele-Uku in Delta State, Nigeria, the ancestral home of the Okwumabua family.
With your help, OKPG can make a difference!